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Music Palace!!!! Rock!!!!

Last Saturday... I went to Music Palace at Confucian High School...
with Nana, Fish, and SyenEe... ^^

buy a ticket and u can go in and ROCK!!!!
forget to take the photo of Music Palace's ticket... ><
when u go in, they'll give u a glow stick...
i love this glow stick... especially BLUE!!!! xD
There are also glow sticks with different colours...
RED and BLUE are nice... ^^
The purpose i go is to support ARCH!!!!!!!!!!!
( sorry for the blur >< )

play until 12am just arrive home... ><altough Music Palace is not as high as last year's End Chorus...but it's still fun and high!!!!! to support Tsun Jin's band!!!!
i must attend next year!!! xD

