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Happy Father's Day~

We offer Daddy to hv dinner...
at Father's Day...

having dinner at Sushi King~~ ;)
my beloved Daddy & Mommy~~ =)
my dad was having his favourite.... Unagi~
my mother bought him a...................dunno what thing... xP
She said it is a energy watch?
btw...i really dont know what is this...
My dad was wearing it just for me to take pic...haha... :)
And that day... i bought a chocolate for Daddy...
a cheap chocolate lar... nt the choc. in the pic...
but the choc in the pic are really nice and beautiful...but expensive... :(
a tie-shaped choc writing Happy Father's Day... ;)
Lastly... Wish every Daddy in the world "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

