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My Holiday Plan...

i borrowed from friend...
it's a nice book... altough it's a bit 变态...
but 九把刀 都市恐怖病系列's book are like this de lar...
and... i'll re-read BLEACH...
it's nice comic!!!!
^^ same to ONE-PIECE...
but i only have 50 sets... ><
this week gonna read, read, read and READ!!!
i've apply this nail polish...
it's 藕色... with tiny blue glitter...
kinda love this color...
bought from Etude House...
wanna challenge RED... but not sure is it suitable for me... xp
2 weeks for holiday...
but i'm kinda free... coz no chances to get out... ><

1st week...
i'll go to Undang Lecture... ( kinda look forward to... >v< )
and school's SPM Lecture for 2 days... =3=
on saturday... i'll be going to have Japanese Buffet with friends... ^^ ( i'm so excited!!! )
2nd week...
it may be a boring week to me...
coz haven't plan to do anything yet...

Hope u all have a nice holiday~~ ^^

